Pack Leadership

We believe that engaged, trained and passionate adults can make a huge positive influence on the youth of today by fostering learning experiences that are unmatched by any other program.

All of the pack leadership involved in Pack 588 believe that when we invest in today's children, this will pay larger positive dividends on the impact on our community.  Following the Scout Oath and the Scout Law in our lessons, adventures and programs, we will develop character and leadership skills that set the foundation for confident and talented youth who will continue on to become the leaders in our community and our world.

We want you to join us!

Our 2023 - 2024 leadership team is comprised of parents and volunteers who want to make a difference.  No matter the skill set, background or commitment level, we have a spot that would be great for you!

If you're interested in the many opportunities to help the pack, please contact us or ask a leader for more information.

Open Positions

We have a number of open positions coming up for the 2024-2025 pack year!

Currently, we are looking for:

No Scouting Experience Necessary - just a desire to help make our pack great!  Please see an adult leader for more information or contact us!

Pack Leadership

Jason Greenawald

Jason Curtis
Assistant Cubmaster

Matt Olmstead
Assistant Cubmaster

Torrey Cooper
Assistant Cubmaster
Advancement Chair

Amy Rice
Pack Committee Chair

Chris Rex
Chartered Organization Representative

Cori Dixon
Pack Committee

Alicia Kramer
Pack Committee
Fundraising Chair

Tracy Papay
Pack Committee
Communications Chair

Kerry Peterson
Pack Committee

Jason Weilage
Pack Committee

Bill Yannes
Pack Committee

Shannon Solderich
Pack Committee

Steve Solderich
Pack Committee

Den Leadership

Lion Den


Lion Den Leader

Tiger Den

First Grade

Tiger Den Leader

Asst Tiger Den Leader

Wolf Den

Second Grade

Ash Aldinger
Wolf Den Leader

Nicole Masiko
Asst Wolf Den Leader

Bear Den

Third Grade

Amanda Reinhart
Bear Den Leader

Amy Rice
TJ Brooks
Asst Bear Den Leaders

Webelos Den

Fourth Grade

Shanna Sigmans
Morgan Kunkel
Webelos Den Leaders

Brindan Kistler
Asst Webelos Den Leader

Webelos II
Arrow of Light

Fifth Grade

Matt Olmstead
Webelos AOL Den Leader

Jason Curtis
Torrey Cooper
Asst Webelos AOL
Den Leaders