Frequently Asked Questions

This section hopes to answer the questions you've got about Scouting and our pack. Have a question not on here? Reach out to us!

1. How do I join the pack?
Joining the pack is simple and easy. You may either visit us any Tuesday night at the Ebenezer UCC church Fellowship Hall for application, reach out to the Membership Chair here or complete the online registration application here.

2. What do I need to join the pack?
Once you've completed the application process and paid the associated fees, you'll need to pickup the uniform for our pack.

The uniform consists of:

  • A pack T-shirt (or Class B), which is available from the Pack for $13-16

  • Shirt - The Official BSA Shirt from the Scout Shop

  • Pants - Scouts should have blue pants consist with the BSA uniform

  • Belt - The Official BSA navy-blue web belt with metal buckle

  • Hat - Recommended (either Cub Scout or Rank Appropriate)

  • Neckerchief - Each rank as a specific neckerchief (provided by Pack)

  • Neckerchief Slide - Each rank has a specific neckerchief slide, or can use general BSA or handmade slide

  • Guide Book - Based upon rank and provided by the Pack at signup

More information can be found here!

3. I've new to Scouting - is that OK?
Absolutely! We welcome families with all skillsets and backgrounds to our pack! Our pack family will explain the ins and out of Cub Scouting to you, and each adventure we partake in will give you a better feeling for the program we offer.